
Do you need a reason to get life insurance? Here are a few…

Discover the importance of life insurance in securing your family’s future. Protect your loved ones and provide financial security with life insurance.

Dear Insured,

I am a promise

I help man see visions, dream dreams, and achieve economic immortality

I am education for children

I am savings

I am also property that can increase in value from year to year

I lend money when you need it most with no questions asked

I pay off mortgages so that the family can remain together in its own home

I assure fathers the daring to live and the moral right to die

I create, manage, and distribute property

I am the great emancipator from want

I guarantee the continuity of business…. I protect the jobs of employees…. I conserve the employer’s investment

I am tangible evidence that a man is a good husband and father

I am declaration of financial independence, a charter of economic freedom

I am the difference between an old man and an elderly gentleman

I provide cash if illness, injury, old age, or death cuts off the breadwinner’s income

I am the only thing that a father can buy on the installment plan that a mother doesn’t have to finish paying for

I am a certificate of character, an evidence of good citizenship, and unimpeachable title to the right of self-government

I am protected by the laws that prevent creditors from assessing the money I give to your loved ones

I bring dignity, peace of mind, and security to latter years of life

I am here for those you love



Call Bonnie Grant, License Insurance Broker, Get Help With Insurance, Inc., 223 S Water Street, Suite B, Henderson, NV 89015  (702) 541-0882, https://gethelpwithinsurance.net

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